Pancafit Class
The Pancafit Technique is a unique global stretch that simultaneously addresses muscle, myofascia, neural tissue, and diaphragm. This patented tool was developed by premiere Italian therapist Daniele Raggi. This technique, previously unseen in the United States, promotes a healthy and connected physical body: increased proprioception, improved posture, decreased pain, enhanced breathing pattern, ameliorated balance, and reduced instances of numbness and tingling.
Physica Medica established the first and only Pancafit class in the United States. Each 60 minute class works to lengthen tissues throughout the entire body, while also placing particular focus on a specific corporal region. Participation in the Pancafit Class will help prevent long term physical consequences due to poor posture and abnormalities such as:
Arthritis pain
Respiratory difficulties
Loss of height
Twisted toes
Rounded shoulders
Hunched back
Forward head posture
Spinal misalignment (scoliosis)
Uneven shoulders
Disturbed sleep patterns
Scar tissue formation
Crooked limbs